Glossary of Terms and Acronyms in 7DSystem

Abilitythe first two ranks of character progression divided into 8 types: Physical, Mental, Social, Creative, Senses, Education, Constitution and Emotion
AVAmmunition Value, or Ammo Value which indicates how quickly the weapon will run out of ammunition
Bonusadditional dice added to a dice pool where a character has an affinity in that aspect of the game
CNconstitution ability, an indicator of the character's toughness and resilience
CRcreative ability, how creative a character is artistically, in crafting and building things and how they produce new things. In essence it is the physicality of mental creativity - so putting problem solving into physical practice
CVCarry Value, a numeric value that indicates how easy it is to carry an object. This value takes into account: size, shape, girth, weight and how cumbersome it is
Dice Poolthe number of dice rolled to perform a task
DLDifficulty Level, how difficult a task will be for the character to complete, a number from 0 to 8. 0 Being something an ordinary person can easily achieve and 8 being impossible
EDeducation ability, knowledge the character has gained from past experiences, training or understanding gained in the game
EFExplosive Force, an indication of how powerful an explosive, or explosion, will be.
ELEconomic Level, a value that represents the purchasing power of a character.
EMemotion ability, how a character keeps it together under stress, their emotional sensitivity and manipulation of others and how they relate to the world
EVEconomic Value, a measure of the character's wealth and spending power
Expertisethe third two ranks in a range of skills for character progression
Failurewhen not a single one (1) is rolled in a dice pool
Fortéthe second two ranks in a range of skills for character progression
InjuriesWhen a character is damaged by a weapon, attack, explosion or some other dangerous environmental problem. All creatures can take a maximum of 7 injuries before they are neutralised
LDRLight Duration Rating, a measure of how long a light source will last
LSRLight Source Rating, a measure of how bright a light source is and how far it will cast
MaxCVMaximum Carry Value, a value representing the maximum sum of the amount Carry Value (CV) of stuff that a character can carry. This is determined by multiplying Size x Size
MNmental ability, the character’s ability to think, maintain mental discipline, understand languages and learn new things
NFNotoriety or Fame, a measure of how notorious or famous the character is in the setting
PHphysical ability, encompasses everything related to the physicality of the character with regard to movement, dexterity, strength and agility
Pointreward (or experience point - XP), earned for a success above the current threshold. 5 Points = 1 Rank
PVProtection Value, a number representing how well something will protect the character from harm
PV DiceProtection Value Dice, the dice pool rolled in an attempt to negate injuries
QVQuality Value, a numerical indication of the quality of construction, or production, that went into making an object
Rankdegree of competency in a skill, value, or level. 1 Rank = 5 XP (or points)
Sizea number representing the size of a creature
SLsocial ability, how the character performs in social situations, it also determines competency in languages, bargaining, sensing motivations and leadership qualities
SNsenses ability, encompassing everything to do with sight, sound, taste, smell and touch
Specialtythe forth set of ranks for a single skill set
Successwhen any number of ones (1) are rolled in a dice pool
SVStory Value, a measure of how important a character is to the story
SV TokensStory Value Tokens, tokens that allow manipulation of dice and aspects of the story to positively benefit the character
Thresholdthe current type of dice, or higher, required to earn a point for a success
XPexperience point (also point), earned for a success above the current threshold. 5 XP = 1 Rank